
Copy Move的原子性

August 01, 2019



cp -f "$xmlFile" "${quattroFile}"
gzip "${quattroFile}"


cp -f "$xmlFile" "${quattroFile}.~tmp"
mv -f "${quattroFile}.~tmp" "${quattroFile}~"	# keep ~ just for NOT fit file name pattern
gzip "${quattroFile}~"
mv -f "${quattroFile}~.gz" $finalQuattroFile
echo "    cp $xmlFile to ${quattroFile}~.gz then to $finalQuattroFile"	


rsync 是另一个经常使用的命令,某些场景下比cp更合适,可是它也不是原子性的

cp or rsync?


Make copy of files and directories. This is a more “higher” level of abstraction, where you can copy directories recursively, without caring about block size, file conversion, etc. It is a better tool to deal with “1-to-many” cases of file copy, ownership, symbolic link follow, recursively copy, and verbosity. However, it has it’s limitations like dealing with file changes, remote copy, and those things better handled by rsync.


Can to copy files inside the same computer, but it’s features are more useful on remote copy scenarios. Some of the features are ownership handling/manipulation, more easy “exclude” expressions for a better copy, file checksum to see if a file was already copied, delete origin files during or after copu, the use of a “transparent shell” by invoking the protocol wanted using a specific URI(ssh://, rsync://…), pipelining and other stuff that create optimized environment for remote mirroring things.


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